Many Yeezy sellers are already selling fake Yeezy 700 v3 before the real one release. These fake shoes 700 v3 are produced by Yeezy 700 v3 concept map.

Recently, Kanye has constantly released new Yeezys. A few days ago, the rumor from Instagram account @Yeezyseason2 about the Adidas Kanye Yeezy 700 v3 may be released next month (2019/12).
So I used Google Trends to look at the popularity of Yeezy Boost 700 v3, by the way, compared with Yeezy 350 v3, as shown below:
From the picture, the search volume of Yeezy 700 v3 is increasing.
So I boldly predict that the Yeezy 700 v3 will be hotter than the Yeezy 350 V3.
Do you think Yeezy 700 v3 will fire?