You want to know if it is a fake or genuine Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite shoes. Here we will help you distinguish fake or real Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite sneakers.

The fastest way is to check the size label and box label of Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite sneakers. The fake Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite size label has many inconsistencies, and the size code displayed on the label on the shoe box may be incorrect, which does not match your sneaker version.But how to identify fake and real Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite sneakers in many ways? Here are 10 ways we provide:
- Real vs fake Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite barcode scan;
- Check the Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite by the size tag;
- Verify the box label of your Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite;
- Fake vs real Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite lacing style;
- Analyze the toe box of your Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite;
- Fake vs real Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite rear details;
- Inspect the pattern of cage on the side of your Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite sneaker;
- Inspect the V-shaped area on the toe box of your Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite;
- Analyze the 3M reflective material on the Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite sneakers;
- Check the glowing effect of the Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite sneakers.
Scan the barcode of the Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite using the Legit App Checker. Verify the Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite size tag for inconsistencies in the printing quality.These are the most common ways to distinguish true from false Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite.
Where can I get fake Yeezy 700 V3 Azael ? All you have to do is send us good-quality pictures of your adidas Yeezy 700 V3 Kyanite sneakers and we will get back to you with the results within 12 to 24 hours.